April 1, 2019

Hi Parents,

Please see below for an update.


We have now completed all of the Word Wall Words for Grade 1. They have really done well with these. I will be sending home a reading test of the words. Please practice any words that your child has not yet mastered. For the remainder of the year, the homework expectation will be to write 5 sentences a week using at least one of the Word Wall Words learned throughout the year. Please continue to encourage your child to write statement, asking sentences and sentences that require an exclamation. Student continue to be encouraged to read nightly.

Scientists in the School

We will be booking in school Science workshops hopefully for the end of this month. We will need parent volunteers for this. Please stay tuned for more information.

Science Museum

Please save the date for our Science Museum trip. We will be going on may 23rd. We will be needing volunteers. More information regarding this trip will be sent home by the end of April.

Thanks for all your support!

Mrs. Akl