September 18, 2015

Week 2

Hi Everyone! We have had another great week. The children are adjusting well to the rules and the routines. Today we went to the library for the first time. Each student chose a book and brought it back home in a ziplock bag. Please make sure to return the ziplock bag and the book EACH THURSDAY so that they are ready to choose new ones on Fridays. We also had our first fire drill today. Please speak with your children about the importance of staying calm and focused in times of emergencies. They all did very well for the first practice. I also wanted to let you know that some of you have brought to my attention that Razkids does not open without the Teacher Username. Please use lakl1 to get into the program. Sorry for the confusion. Finally, please continue to use the Communication Book to ask questions. Thank you for keeping it open, every second we can save on logistics means more time with your lovely children! Mrs. Deek and I are so lucky!