September 12, 2015

Week One

Hello Everyone! I am so glad to report that we had an amazing first week at school. The children are all adapting very well. Mrs. Deek and I are thrilled to be working with 28 beautiful little people. Below are some items for review.

Please be advised that we have 2 children in the class with anaphylactic allergies to nuts. Please do not send any nuts to school or products that may contain nuts. We have another student with a milk allergy. Though milk products are permitted in the class, we ask that you remind your children about the importance of regular hand washing and encourage keeping their eating area neat. Please also remind them that we do not share snacks at school.

Quiet Time
Quiet Time has been going well, we know it's not necessarily a preferred time of day for some, but it is a Ministry mandated part of our day. If your child would like to bring a small stuffy, they are permitted. All other plastic toys are not allowed at school. We worry about them getting misplaced or broken. The classroom is equipped with plenty of toys for the children.

Thank you to all of you who have signed up for Twitter. If you haven't yet, please do so ASAP. Also thank you for emptying the Mr. Zippy at night and returning required documents. Finally, please remember to keep the yellow Communication Book open if you have a message for us. If the duotang is closed, we will assume there is no notes for us to read and will not open it.

Thank you all for your generous donations to the classroom. We go through lots of kleenex, and markers in a year. Also, thanks for sending in a change of clothes and indoor shoes. Some have not sent in their Family Photo yet, if you haven't, please do so soon. They are an important part of our Safe Place.

I am glad to say that both these programs are now ready to use. Use the tabs on the Classroom Blog, to get to the program. Once you are in, make sure you have the correct class and find your child's name, click on it and get started. Raz Kids will prompt you for a password. The password for boys is the rocket and the password for girls is the bunny. Both programs are excellent ways to support your child's math and literacy development. Have fun!

We will be going to the library each Friday morning. Your child will choose a book to take home. Please return the book the following Thursday. I believe our first visit will be on the 18th.

Each month or so, you will receive order forms for books from Scholastic. If you choose to order, please respect the deadline to submit orders.

Open House
Please be advised that the date has changed to Wednesday the 23rd of September at 6:30.