October 19, 2015

October 19 Update

Field Trip
Thanks for sending in the permission forms for our Field Trip on the 29th. If you haven't yet, please do so as soon as possible. Also, both sides of the permission form needs to be filled out. Please ensure you sign both. Also, thanks to all of you who have volunteered. We only are allowed 5 free volunteers. If you were not chosen this time, you are still welcome to come but you will have to pay at the door. Also, you will need to to arrange transporation as there is not extra room on the buses. Feel free to carpool with other parents. We will confirm with all volunteers early next week.

This Wednesday we will have our first school Mass. Please speak with your children about what to expect. It will be in the gym and parents are welcome to come. The class will sit together with their Grade 5 Buddies and not with their parents as this can cause some confusion.

We have been working hard on our Goals, please remember to support your child in your day to day living by reinforcing what they are doing in class. Today one of my little friends said he made a pattern with his cars and trucks while playing with his dad. That was great to hear! Mrs. Deek's Language Learning Group has started the letters in Group 2 of Jolly Phonics and Mrs. Akl's group is continuing to work on sight words and writing short sentences. In Reading, we are talking about how good readers make connections when they read. In French, we are trying to use some words without prompts. They really like to sing the songs at school. I encourage you to sing them at home too.

The children are welcome to wear a costume on Friday October 30th to celebrate Halloween. We ask however that you leave extra parts at home. We wouldn't want a mask or wand to go missing before the big night! Also, please do not send in any treats to share. There are a few students with allergies so we cannot distribute them. Thanks for your understanding.

Other Items
Thanks to all of you for keeping up with the playdough sign up list. You can check the calendar to see your week.
The cold weather is fast approaching. We play outside each day so it is important that your child be ready to be out in the cold and that all items are labelled.
In Kindergarten there isn't a Progress Report in November. We have just 2 reporting periods, one in February and the second in June. We do however invite all the parents in for parent teacher interviews in November. Our interviews will be on November 18th. More details regarding interviews and times will come later.
Continue to use the Communication Book to ask questions and share information.