September 7, 2018

Hi Parents!

We had a great first week back at school. The students are getting used to the new routines and are enjoying making new friends. Thanks to all of you who have donated items for our class. If you haven't yet or are unable to, please don't worry. Also, please see below about some extra items.

-Please make sure your child has a water bottle, this eliminates multiple travels to the fountain. We do not have access to water in the class like they did in kindergarten.

-Please sign up for Remind if you haven't already.

-Please make sure your child's items are all labeled.

-Please tell your child to keep their home toys at home, they sometimes go missing when they are brought to school and we don't want any sad friends.

-Please return all the forms that were sent home this week ASAP.

-If you plan to volunteer in any capacity at the school you will need a police check

-Our program night is the 18th of September.

-Your child is welcome to bring in a family photo to keep in class if they would like, sometimes if they miss their family, having a picture at school can give them some comfort.

Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Akl