November 16, 2021

Hi Parents!

Please see below for a few updates.

Firstly, it was so nice to speak many of you last Friday and yesterday. Please know you are always welcome to reach out. I am glad to meet with you anytime. It doesn't have to only be at scheduled interview times in the year. As always it is my pleasure to support you and your child in any way I can. 

Crazy Hair day is this Thursday, November 18 .

Photo Retake Day is Friday, November 19. Please let me know if your child needs a re-take, if you haven't already.

Library Day is Tuesdays.

We are a nut free school.

Please make sure to write the title of the levelled reader on the sheet in the red folder. This will allow me to make sure not to send a book that has already been read.

I will be sending home an updated word wall list. Please review the reading of these words with your child. 

With colder weather upon us please make sure your child has an extra pair of socks and mittens in their bags. We want to be able to keep their fingers and toes warm! :)

Ms. Akl