November 2, 2021

 Hi Parents!

Please see below for a few updates.

Remembrance Day

The school is selling Poppies for Remembrance Day if you are interested.

Interviews and Progress Reports

Progress Reports will be ready next week and we will have interviews on the 12th. Stay tuned for more information from Mrs. MacDonald.

Nightly Reading

Thank you for keeping up with the nightly reading. Let me know if you ever have any questions. You only need to write the book title once even if you read it many times.


Library is Tuesdays. Please make sure to return the books by Tuesday morning. If not, your child will need to wait a week. 

Assessment Folder

Thanks for signing and returning the work in the folder. You will get it again in a few weeks.

Cold Weather

With the colder weather approaching, please make sure you send your child to school dressed to be outside. Also, please label things as much as possible.

Thanks for your continued support,

Ms. Akl