September 6, 2022

September 6, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome! My name is Lisa Akl and I am thrilled to be your child’s teacher.  After 2 ½ years of many changes, I am hopeful that this year will run very smoothly. Regardless of what we are faced with, I will work with you to support you and your child in any way. 

I have more than 20 years experience with the OCSB as well as 3 additional years teaching abroad. My first job was in Japan for 2 years teaching English as a second language and my second was teaching Grade 5 in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition to teaching, I love reading, doing yoga, running, spending time with my family, friends and my miniature poodle Kenji. 

 I look forward to getting to know you and your child this year. I am certain we will build a great partnership and have a fantastic year together. Communication is key to this relationship; therefore, I will have several platforms for us to keep each other informed.


Classroom Blog: The Classroom Blog is a place where you can get monthly updates as well as find out about our monthly Learning Goals to support your child’s learning at home.

Twitter: The Twitter account is a place where you can get a quick snapshot at some of the learning taking place in our class. @LisaAkl1

ClassDojo: ClassDojo is an app you can get on your smartphone. You will receive short messages and reminders. Please see the attached sheet for information on how to set this up.

Ziplock Bag: A ziplock bag will go home each night. In it there is a green or red folder. If I have notes for you or you for me, they can go in the folder. When homework begins next month, it will also be placed in this ziplock. 

Phone Calls and Interviews: Feel free to let me know if you would like an interview. I am always glad to discuss your child’s progress.


Homework routines will begin late September or early October. Regular homework will consist of nightly reading, a math worksheet and studying for a weekly spelling test. Homework will be assigned Mondays and due back the following Monday. You will be free to complete the work with your child at times that best suit your family schedule. For now, please read nightly with your child.


Please make sure your child has lunch and 2 snacks (morning and afternoon). Healthy food choices are encouraged at school. Also, we are a NUT FREE school. Please make sure you read all packages carefully before you send them. 

Requested Materials

  1. Indoor shoes your child can put on independently. 

  2. Over the head headphones

  3. 1 large box of Ziplock bags

  4. 1 pencil case for your child

*Please note that if you cannot supply the above, we will supply for you

Other Information

-safety is paramount, we will take all measures to keep everyone safe. Students will spend a lot of time learning about these measures in the first few weeks. 

-Please have your child at school on time; tardiness can cause disruptions to the flow of our day. 

-If you need to change your child’s dismissal routine call the office before 3:00.

-There is NO parking in the bus zone.

-If you are picking up your child at the end of the day, please wait outside the fence and be on time. Parents are not permitted on the school yard.

-Please label all your child’s items.

-Meet the Teacher is on September 22, more information will follow.

God Bless,

Ms. Akl

“Let the children come to me and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these” Matthew 19:14